The news category contains all the news and activity post about me.
AISC event CV Abdulrahman
Digital photography has been the active engine of many digital devices such as DSLRs, smart phones, printers, and photocopy machines. All types of image processing operations fall within the scope…
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Camera Depth of Field Manipulation for Pre- and Post-Image Capture
aisc event cv mohsen fayyaz
Action recognition problems in computer vision are always critical to solve. Time adds tremendous complexity to the tasks. Solving a task on still image domains is hard by itself when…
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Set Constrained Temporal Transformer for Set Supervised Action Segmentation
Aaisc Event CV Shivam
There are domains in which input visual data to machine learning models are very large. Aerial and histopathological images are two to name a few. For either of the classification…
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Learning Permutation Invariant Representations using Memory Networks (AISC-CV)
Video Transformers Presentation AISC July 2020
It is always fun to read and digest research publications about action recognition and video tasks in general. Time is the extra ingredient to space. This is when you have…
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Presenting Video Action Transformer Network at AISC
SNP Presentation AISC July 2020
It is always feeling good when you get back and look at what you have done in the past. PhD, is a long journey that not everyone would even think…
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Presenting “Selective Network Pruning” at AISC
Hello World! I am AI, mmm.
I remember when I was young ( I am still young though), and I was learning programming, I never understood by my heart what this really meant. Now that years…
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Hello World! I am AI, mmm.